Review: Good Omens

Source: Neil Gaiman

Title: Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch

Author: Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett

Rating: 4 and half stars

What can I say about Good Omens that hasn’t been said yet?
It’s not for everyone, nothing wrong there, but if you like crazy fun colorful imagery, well, there’s a big chance this book is for you.

I heard about Neil Gaiman and this book from a good friend of mine years ago (probably over a decade ago, when we first met). It took me this long to read it but I wasn’t in a hurry – I knew I would love it.

I’m the (weird) kind of person who doesn’t like audio books because my imagination provides me with different voices for each character and doesn’t like watching movies based on books I’ve already read, again, because I have everything clear in my mind, and it could be ruined by someone else’s vision, or someone else’s vision would pale in comparison to what I created.

This book is for people like me, people who can dream and see, feel and hear the words as if they’re happening right in front of you.

Good Omens is less about character development and more about character and life happening.

It’s sweet, it’s fun, it’s outrageous, it’s touching. It’s life.


Review originally posted on GoodReads. Link here.